Lead - Illinois

Aqua’s mission is protecting and providing earth’s most essential resource which includes delivery of clean, safe, and reliable drinking water to our customers. Our current treatment practices ensure our drinking water meets all regulatory standards However, some homes have been identified as having lead or galvanized service lines that could contain lead. Lead, which can leach out of plumbing materials, has been connected to health complications, especially in young children. For more information on the sources of lead and the potential health impacts, click here.

Illinois Environmental Protection Agency (IEPA) and the United States Environmental Protection Agency (US EPA) passed regulations requiring utilities to develop an inventory of the materials used in each water service line in their system. Over the next 10 years, beginning in 2027, Aqua Illinois plans to replace all identified lead and galvanized service lines. You can find more information and answers to frequently asked questions below.

Aqua also shares water quality information in our Water Quality Reports (also called Consumer Confidence Reports). Our reports show lead sample results. Find Your Local Water Quality Report Here.  

Learn more about Aqua Illinois Lead Service Line Materials Inventory Here.

Learn more about Aqua Illinois Lead Service Line Replacement Draft Plans Here.