How You Can Help

You can help impact the water within your own home, as well as help protect our precious water resources as a whole.

Customers can take measures to ensure that drinking water remains safe within their homes by preventing cross-connections, which are points in plumbing systems where drinking water might come in contact with hazardous materials, as well as by routinely flushing faucets, cleaning shower heads, and maintaining hot water tanks to discourage the growth of bacteria such as Legionella. 

Avoiding Cross-Connections

If you leave a hose in non-potable (not fit for drinking) water such as soapy water, pool water, etc., you could contaminate your drinking water. For instance, if the pressure in the water main feeding your property drops while your hose is submerged in non-potable water, suction could be created, pulling the non-potable water back into your pipes, your drinking water supply, and Aqua’s distribution
main. The Safe Water Drinking Act requires that backflow protection devices be installed on all non-potable water services.

Some plumbing tips to avoid backflow incidents

  • Install backflow prevention devices on threaded faucets in your home, especially outdoor hose faucets. Inexpensive backflow preventors, like hose connection vacuum breakers, can be found at many local plumbing supply stores.
    • Keep the ends of hoses clear of any possible contaminants. Never leave a hose in a sink, bucket, drain, swimming pool, or tub. Also, keep water levels in such items below faucets and inlet valves.
    • Don’t use spray device attachments that contain chemicals, such as weed killers, on your hose without a backflow prevention device.